Meet Our Skilled and Dedicated Eye Care Specialists.
Our team of skilled and compassionate eye care professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care and attention. Our team is committed to delivering the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Dr. N. V. Arulmozhi Varman
TM.B.B.S, D.O, M.S Ophthalmology, Medical Director
Mrs. Uma Varman
Admin Director
Dr. Aadithreya Varman
Director of Uma Eye clinic
Dr. Venkateshar Ravisankar
Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon
Dr. Sushama Kekre
Dr. M. P. Veenashree
Corneal Surgeon
Dr. Uma Ramesh
Squint & Pediatric
Dr. Kasinathan N
Dr. Prithi Udhay
Oculoplasty &
Facial Aesthetics
Dr. Chitra Raajiv
Oculoplasty &
Facial Aesthetics