Cornea is the outer layer of the eye which helps focus and transmit light through the lens onto the retina. When the cornea is damaged beyond repair transplanting a donated cornea becomes a necessity. The cornea harvested after the donor's death is screened for infectious diseases before grafting.
Congenital abnormalities
Childhood infections
like measles
Severe trauma
Degenerative diseases due to exposure to harsh light
Partial thickness or Lamella grafts are used to treat conditions of the cornea where the damage is mostly restricted to the front surface of the cornea and only the front part of the cornea is replaced.
Full thickness or penetrating grafts are more commonly used and result in the whole of the cornea being replaced.
Eyesight is blurred immediately after surgery
Eye may water and be sensitive to light
Sight will fluctuate due to the healing process
Cornea shape may change and necessitate glasses after a few months
There is absolutely no change in the physical appearance of the eye
The surgery is performed after the mandatory urine, blood and in some cases ECG ruled out any complications. In the hour long operation the central piece of the cornea is cut and removed. This is replaced by the donor cornea which has been treated with an antibiotic solution. The fine stitches will stay in place for up to 2 years and it will take at least a year to heal completely. The eye is covered with an eye pad and protective plastic eye shield post surgery. This is removed a day after the surgery and normal activities can be resumed as soon as possible. The patient returns home in a few hours.
Do not rub or touch the eye
Apply prescribed medication strictly according to schedule
Avoid smoky and dusty rooms, which can cause irritation.
Wear sunglasses if the eye is light sensitive
Do not play contact sports and swimming in particular. Ask the doctor if you are unclear which sports you should avoid
You will need at least 2-4 weeks off work, but again this will be discussed with you on an individual basis.
Avoid driving until the doctor tells you otherwise
Stick to your follow up appointments to check for other problems lind cataract retinal detachment
Return to the hospital immediately if you have