Tears normally coat the surface of the eyes to keep them moist and comfortable. When tears are poor in quantity or quality, it causes dry eyes. Ironically watering of eyes is also a symptom of dry eyes. This occurs because the dry surface of the eyes stimulates the nerves to reflexly cause tearing.
Normally when we blink, the eyelids close and replenish the normal tear film by draining away the old tear film. Also on blinking, around 30 to 40 glands located in the eyelids secrete oily secretions to stabilize the tear film. The average blink rate in an infant is around 8 to 12 blinks a minute and as we age the blink rate drops to around 4 to 6 blinks per minute. In between blinks, when the eye remains exposed to the atmosphere, the tear film dries up resulting in symptoms of dry eyes.
Preservation or restoration of vision
Straightening of the eyes
Restoration of binocular vision
If there is a refractive error then that is treated first. If the squint ' is an Accommodative Squint this would be all that is required for correction. The eyes are checked for ambylopia and treated. The parents are involved in this procedure as their cooperation is vital for the success of the treatment. The squint is then treated surgically by strengthening or weakening the relevant muscles to restore balance and coordination.
It is essential to correct squint at an early age to avoid amblyopia. If it is not corrected by 10 years squint leads to ambylopia resulting in severe eye strain, headaches and abnormal head posture. Squint will never correct by itself. The earlier the treatment the better the result.